AuSAP receives generous support and contributions from a range of organisations and individuals

AuSAP was established with the generous funding support of the Transport Accident Commission

AuSAP's success is dependent on stakeholder participation and collaboration. It has attracted cross-sector and in-kind support, including significant contributions from:
- Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) for crash testing at its Transurban Road Safety Centre. NeuRA is also supporting the Expert Committee and research activities through a PhD scholarship focusing on Australian standard child restraint modifications.
- Britax Childcare Pty Ltd crash testing at their facility in Sunshine, Melbourne.
- Transport for NSW - Safer Vehicles and Crashlab (to commence late 2024)
- Baker McKenzie (legal firm) pro bono advice to MACA for AuSAP related activities.Australian importers through product donations for assessment and testing.
If you are interested in learning more about AuSAP or contributing to our program please contact us.

Participating in AuSAP
The following organisations have participated in AuSAP for the assessment of special purpose car seats. AuSAP is grateful for the commitment of all Australian importers in supporting the safe transport of children with disabilities and medical conditions.
Whilst some products have not been published on MACA's national product register, the overseas manufacturers and importers have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to AuSAP's aims - and MACA's vision that every child has access to safe and equitable transport.
As AuSAP is an ongoing program our national product register is regularly updated to reflect AuSAP outcomes.
Listed below is each importer (participant), their product(s) and (manufacturer – country of origin).

Stabilo Multiseat
(Stabilo – Poland)

Carrot 3000
Carrot XL
(Seeds Co. Ltd. – Japan)

Kidsflex 2 and 3
(Hernik GmbH – Germany)

Special tomato soft touch booster seat
(Special Tomato – United States)

Spirit Car Seat
IPS 2000 series
(Inspired by Drive – United States)

(LIW Car Technology - Poland)

Thomashilfen Commander
Thomashilfen Defender
Hercules Small
Hercules Prime
(Thomashilfen - Germany)

(Etac – Australia)