AS 5384
Information about a new Australian standard for specialty harnesses and vests

Title: AS 5384 Accessories for seat belts used in motor vehicles
Current version: 2023
Objective: To provide minimum requirements for the design, construction and performance and informative labelling for products sold separately as accessories for seatbelts in motor vehicles. The requirements provide a framework for testing the safety of accessories to reduce the risk of injury to children and adults.
Scope: The standard specifies requirements for the design, construction and performance of, and test methods, for accessories to be used with seatbelts, for maintaining safe use. This includes requirements for postural support devices (e.g., specialty harness/vests). It also covers other accessories such as pet restraints.
Purchase: You can purchase this Standard from Intertek Inform.

A significant achievement
The introduction of this standard is a significant advancement as there was previously no Australian standard catering for the design, safety and performance of postural support devices used by occupants with disability in motor vehicles.
MACA participated in the Standards Australia committee responsible for drafting this standard and represented the transport needs of people with disabilities and medical conditions.
AS 5384 is voluntary and provides suppliers in the Australian market with an opportunity to develop and supply products that comply with this new standard.
MACA is promoting this standard to industry.